Tanin's blog - App Development | Productivity

Tanin's blog

Hi, I’m Tanin Rojanapiansatith. I build mobile apps full-time at Hyper, London, UK. And spend spare time building my own apps on iOS, Transcrybr; a habit tracking app on Android, Habitr; a toastmaster timer app, ToastBuster Timer; and a currency conversion app on iOS, Curry.

Recent posts

Feb 13, 2023
Migrating from Heroku to Fly.io (Swift Vapor) Heroku removed their free tier so I had to move my side project server app to Fly.io
Jan 29, 2023
Transcrybr V2.0 Launch: History and Stats A look back on the history, key features and stats of Transcrybr
Nov 2, 2021
One year after launching my first iOS app, Transcrybr A review of how my app, Transcrybr, performed in its first year
Aug 27, 2021
Book Review (+ downloadable mind map): The Design of Everyday Things A review about the psychology, product development, and entrepreneurship aspects of the book The Design of Everyday Things. Plus a downloadable summary mind map.
Aug 21, 2021
How I Review Books How I review books I have read
Sep 9, 2020
Transcrybr is on the App Store The story of my first iOS app
Apr 30, 2020
Ping-Pong TDD experiment in Swift Showcasing the benefits of Test Driven Development through the Ping-Pong TDD technique.
Feb 16, 2020
Simple REST API With JSON using Vapor A guide for iOS developers on how to create a simple REST API With JSON using Vapor, a web framework written in Swift.
Nov 26, 2019
My second step into the CI world with fastlane and Android A sequel to my first post about AWS, Jenkins, and Android. This post is hopfully a 101 guide on how to automate the release process to the Play Store with fastlane.
Oct 6, 2019
Things you probably need to know about Swift Package Manager in Xcode A quick guide on how to create, manage, and use Swift Packages with Swift Package Manager in Xcode. And some tips on migrating from CocoaPods.