Tanin's blog - App Development | Productivity

Tanin's blog

Hi, I’m Tanin Rojanapiansatith. I build mobile apps full-time at Hyper, London, UK. And spend spare time building my own apps on iOS, Transcrybr; a habit tracking app on Android, Habitr; a toastmaster timer app, ToastBuster Timer; and a currency conversion app on iOS, Curry.

Recent posts

Sep 24, 2019
Accessibility in Swift at iOSDevUK 9 Why accessibility support is important and how easy it is with SwiftUI
Sep 15, 2019
SwiftUI at iOSDevUK 9 SwiftUI stuff I've learned from iOSDevUK 9. Some example code for custom ViewModifiers and Property wrappers
Aug 31, 2019
SwiftUI: Requires String conform to Identifiable error in List How to solve "Initializer 'init(_:rowContent:) requires that 'String' conform to 'Identifiable' error in SwiftUI List"
Aug 26, 2019
Amazing post! A comment on https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/07/22/why-website/
Aug 22, 2019
Pomodoro Technique How I approach the Pomodoro Technique. The benefits I've seen. And some tips
Aug 8, 2019
My first step into the CI world with AWS, Jenkins and Android A great butler can help you deal with lots of mundane tasks so that you have more time to do what you love and save the world.